Our beers (Copy)

NEW! Brew#0476 - Mule Frite

Moscow Mule Pale Ale

A nice pale ale, full of ginger and lime juice. This beer will warm you up in a second, with nice citrus notes, pairing well with the ginger! Oat and wheat gives some roundness, ending in a good balanced beer.

6,1% Alc, 28 IBU

6,1% Alc / 28 IBU / 18 EBC

Malts: Pils, Gold, Oat, Wheat
Hops: Citra, Mosaic
Yeast: US-05
Other: Lime, Ginger

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Brew#0028 - GMGK*

Belgian Ale

Some softness, some freshness and a fruity touch. This Belgian Ale will sail you to summer time to quench big or small thirsts.

6 % Alc/ 20 IBU/ 10 EBC

Malts : Pale Ale, Carared
Hops: Saaz, Northern Brewer
Yeast : S-05
Others: White tea, combava leaves, lemon peel

*Co2 neutre

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Brew#0327 - PAM’LA

Grapefruit Pale Ale

Hoppy and fruity, this well balanced pale ale will revitalize you with its grapefruit twist.

6,5% Alc/ 38 IBU/ 25 EBC

Malts : Pils, Red
Hops: Eureka, Cascade, El Dorado
Yeast: S-05 Others: Grapefruit



Citrus Wheat IPA

This hoppy wheat beer infused with bergamot will make you sing out loud your favorite melody.

7% Alc/ 35 IBU/ 20 EBC

Malts : Ale, Wheat, Spelt, Salty Caramel
Hops: Centennial, Mosaic
Yeast: M44 Others: Bergamot


Brew#0246 - Ca m’ira belle

Fruity Wheat Ale

Did you say fruity wheat ale ?
Some wheat, some rye, and hundreds of kilos of mirabelles (yellow plums). A requirement.

4% Alc / 15 IBU / 6 EBC

Malts: Pils, Wheat, Rye
Hops: Herkules, First Gold, Azacca, Eureka
Yeast: S-05
Other: Mirabelles (yellow plums)

2019 spring contest winner
- not available anymore -


Brew#0037 - Chili


Pepper alert.
A lager with pasillas chili aromas with roundness from marjoram and coriander. « hot » but light.

6,5% Alc/ 30 IBU/ 25 EBC

Malts : Pils, Wheat, Cararuby
Hops: Goldings, Perle
Yeast: S- 23
Others: Chili pasilla, Coriander, Marjoram

2016 autumn contest autumn
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Brew#0150 Kom’ Quoi

Kumquat IPA

“Comme quoi” , means “This just shows that in french”, the slight bitterness and little sourness of the kumquat works wonders in a beer. The hops brings mango and passion fruit aromas wich makes it an out of this world IPA.

6,3% Alc/ 45 IBU/ 11 EBC

Malts : Pale Ale, Wheat, Hell, Spelt
Hops: Columbus, Citra, Centennial
Yeast: S-05
Other: Kumquats

2017 autumn contest winner
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Brew#0105 - Nordic Hopster

Juicy Session IPA

This beer has been made with lot of tasty American hops to bring some slight grapefruit and citrus flavour
Dry, hoppy and lively. 

5% Alc/ 50 IBU/ 10 EBC

Malts : Pils, Munich, Carared
Hops: Equinox, Mosaic
Yeast: S-05


Brew#0374 - Pink Pepper

Peppery Ale

Copper beer brewed with some pink pepper (Sechuan pepper) to bring some spiciness and infused with some green tea.

5,7% Alc / 22 IBU / 17 EBC

Malts: Pils, Red
Hops: El Dorado, Citra, Cascade
Yeast: S-05
Other: Sichuan Pepper, green tea


Brew#0075 - So beer it

American Amber Ale

Quadruple hops.
An American Amber Ale with a floral and herbal flavour going hand in hand with notes of fir. Originality to offer to your palate !

7% Alc/ 40 IBU/ 32 EBC

Malts : Pils, Caramber, Special B
Hops: Northern Brewer, Cascade, Motueka, white Hallertau
Yeast : S-05

2016 winter contest winner
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Brew#0189 Dark Vater

Bitter Brown Ale

Surprisingly easy to enjoy brown beer.
This darker beer is slitghly spiced due to it's notes of nutmeg but still subtly bitter.

6,2 % Alc 35 IBU/ 72 EBC

Malts : Ale, Munich Light, Coffee Light
Hops: Herkules, Hallertau Blanc, East Kent Golding
Yeast: S-04
Other: Nutmeg

2018 autumn contest winner
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Brew#0286 - Wesh’ Groseille

Fruity and Sourish Ale

Sour, dry, fruity and booming red.
It's the result of a literal ton of redcurrants infused during fermentation.
The fruity taste without the sweetness.

7% Alc / 35 IBU / 25 EBC

Malts: Ale, Munich Light, Melany
Hops: Herkules, Eureka, Azacca
Yeast: S-05
Other: redcurrants

Brew#400 - Pêche-Moi Si Tu Peux

Berliner Weisse

A juicy, and refreshing Berliner Weisse with lot of peach juice. Can’t be more drinkable than that!

4 % Alc/ 12 IBU/ 6 EBC

Malts : Pils, Wheat, Oat
Hops: Galaxy, Waiti
Yeast : Philly Sour
Others: White Peach


Brew#0174- BB Prunes

Plum Porter

Roundness and complexity. The plum porter will bewitch your taste buds with it's notes of coffee, of roasted chocolate and of plums.

6,7% Alc/ 25 IBU/ 62 EBC

Malts : Ale, Epeautre, Melany, Choco, Coffee
Hops: Herkules, Hallertau Blanc
Yeast: S-04
Other: Plums

2018 spring contest winner
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Brew#0122 - God save the beer

Zesty Pale Ale

A surprise between the freshness of lemon peel, the fruity taste of the hops, the note of bergamot and even the biscuit malt.

6% Alc/ 36 IBU/ 15 EBC

Malts : Pale Ale, Vienna, Caraamber
Hops: Herkules, Cascade, Mosaic
Yeast: S-05
Others: Earl Grey, Zestes de citron

2017 summer contest winner
- not available anymore -